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Our History
Montana Indian Ministries has been in existence since 2003. That year Pastor Bruce heard about a man who was traveling to Oklahoma to speak to a large gathering of Native American pastors. That man was/is Henry Blackaby. Dr. Blackaby was scheduled to speak to the pastors there and share with them his vision that the next great American revival would begin with the Native Americans.
Pastor Bruce traveled to this gathering with the express purpose in mind to refute Dr. Blackaby's assertions and if given an opportunity, to explain why Dr. Blackaby's vision was incorrect. The Lord had other plans however. Pastor Bruce and Dr. Blackaby had an opportunity to sit down one-on-one over several cups of coffee and discuss the matter.

Pastor Bruce came away from the discussion ready to participate and lead in the fulfillment of the vision rather than deny its possibility. Pastor Bruce Plummer started the ministry with some very simple instructions from the Lord. The Lord spoke very clearly to Bruce. God told him on the plane ride back from Oklahoma that he was to go to his Native American pow wow and pick up trash.

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