Church Planting
The scriptural foundation for God’s call on each us, and the urgency to perform His work when He calls are found in these passages from the Bible.
Matthew 28:18-20 (FNV) “All the authority of the spirit-world above and the earth below has been given to me," he told them. "So now I am sending you into all nations to teach them how to walk the road with me. You will represent me as you perform the purification ceremony with them, initiating them into the life of beauty and harmony represented in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You will then teach them all the ways that I have instructed you to walk.”
Acts 1:8 (FNV) “Instead, set your hearts and minds on the Holy Spirit, who will give you strong medicine when he comes. You will then tell my story in Village of Peace (Jerusalem), in all the Land of Promise (Judea) and High Place (Samaria), and then to the farthest parts of the earth- to all languages, tribes, and nations."
Matthew 25:25-30 (FNV) "I was afraid, so I hid the herd away to keep them safe for you. Here they are! The headman said to him, 'You have broken the trust I gave you and have proven you are lazy and no good. If you knew I was a harsh man, why did you not ask the trading post to trade for them so there would be something to show for them when I returned?' "So he told them to take the herd from him and give it to the one who had ten and said, 'The ones who do well with what they are given will be given more, but the ones who do nothing with it will lose even what they have been given.' Then he had the man thrown out of his house into the darkness outside, the place where they weep and grind their teeth together in anger and frustration."
In 2003, God opened the door for us to work with the Native Americans (Indians) in Montana, and I have come to a clear understanding that expanding our Indian churches among the Indian’s of Montana needed to be addressed.
In order to complete all that is needed to help establish new and viable strong works with the Native Americans in Montana, we need to work fast, hard, and at times, on the perilous edge with effort, time, and money.
I think many of our existing Indian churches have taken a wait-and-see attitude. Montana Indian Ministries will do what we can to help existing Indian churches grow to become strong, trained, church-planting churches for the Indians of Montana.
Montana Indian Ministries is determined to be on the leading threshold in planting new Indian church works on Montana’s Indian Reservations and in urban settings. In June of 2016, we planted an Indian church in Great Falls - Fry Bread Fellowship Great Falls.
We continue to look for partners in these Church Planting efforts.