Pastor Bruce Plummer is a Trained Facilitator
Fatherhood / Motherhood is Sacred (SM)
In the fast paced routine of life, we often take our families for granted. When a crisis, tragedy, or separation takes place, we are quick to remember what is most important. There is an immediate cry for our family. It is within our families that we can experience the greatest joy and happiness or the greatest misery and unhappiness.
The family remains the most basic and important organizational unit of society, a belief which is deeply rooted in and shared by Native American cultures. Working to bring happiness and safety to our families is the most important work we can do in life. If we do not love, protect and teach our families we have failed in our most important work. Understand, fathers and mothers fail only when they stop trying to be responsible parents. Often we are easily drawn away from serving our family to other activities and interests. We understand some activities are important and necessary; however, the family should always be the central focus of both parents. The role you play will make a difference in your family.
We call upon parents everywhere to put family first by nurturing the entire household making each family member feel welcome, wanted and needed.
We encourage service providers to examine themselves and their agencies to determine how they can do more to help families be united. We are in the people business. We must encourage, lift, teach and assist those we serve.
Fatherhood / Motherhood is Sacred (SM) is about people first, then principles, and finally the program.
The Fatherhood / Motherhood is Sacred (SM) program is not a counseling or rehab program. It is a program to learn how to be a more caring and responsible parent.
The Native American Fatherhood & Families Association (NAFFA) created and designed this program to build, strengthen and protect families through responsible fatherhood and motherhood. We teach all parents involved in raising Native American children to connect with Native American heritage regardless of whether they have their own children or if they are Native or non-Native.Strong Fathers-Strong Tribes is affiliated with Strong Fathers Strong Families which is a training, technical assistance, and facilitation organization that is focused on strengthening children by strengthening fathers and families. Through staff training, consultation, and event facilitation, Strong FathersStrong Families works with Head Starts, Public Schools, and Churches as well as other organizations. Our goal is to improve the educational environment in order that men may become more involved in the lives of their children.
Strong Fathers-Strong Tribes in conjunction with Strong Fathers-Strong Families plans and facilitates events at the campus, organizational, and community level to bring men together with their children in the presence of other men to discover their true strength as fathers. Strong Fathers-Strong Families and Strong Fathers-Strong Tribes facilitates events such as Bring Your Dad to Head Start Days, Bring Your Dad to School Day, Saturday Workshops for schools, churches, and communities, Dad & Kid Reading Night/Day, Head Start Father Forums, Head Start Dad and Kid Reading Days, staff awareness trainings, and Father Involvement Staff Training.